[tycho-user] how to avoid "The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version"?
Cristiano Gavião
2017-07-03 23:26:06 UTC

I've pulled the snapshot version of org.eclipse.equinox.console
(1.1.300-SNAPSHOT, Photon) from master.
Then I did some changes in the manifest and installed it locally.
Since the behavior was not changed I opened the generated jar and saw
that the older manifest is still there.
The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version.
The following attached artifacts have been replaced with the
baseline version: [sources]
I also tried with -Dtycho.baseline.replace=none , but no luck.

What is necessary to build an equinox bundle, currently ?


Mickael Istria
2017-07-04 06:35:24 UTC

First, there is no guarantee that p2 will use the version you just
installed when resolving artifacts. There are other more important things
taken into account for dependency resolution than whether the artifact is
local or its qualifier. So if you want to make sure you're consuming the
right bundle you just built, you should probably force Tycho target
platform to resolve explicitly to the version you just built.

Then the tycho.baseline.replace property is supposed to work, there are
automated tests for it and so on. So if it does not, it can be that the
property is ignored (for example because the baselineReplace argument is
set in the pom.xml directly without leaving the opportunity to override it
from CLI) - I'd check that first. Or it can be a bug, so you should report

